SOLOTÜRK F-16 will perform for the first time in Finland at Vaasa Airshow 2024!
SOLOTURK is a demonstration team which presents the capability of the modern and high-performance F-16 aircraft possessed by Turkish Air Force and the high level of skill and knowledge necessary for its use to the audience as a show. The demonstration flights are realized with a solo F-16 C Block-30 aircraft. White-coloured smoke is released from the smoke devices which are placed on the edges of both wings during the show. No modifications have been made on the aircraft; it can be planned for any mission. Besides the demonstration flights, the SOLOTURK pilots continue their combat training.
Max Koskela, the event director of the airshow and chairman of Vaasa Flying Club, is happy that the air show team’s hard work of more than a year is now starting to bear fruit.
– It’s great to have a big international air show in Vaasa for the first time in 40 years, says Koskela.
Display director Jyri Mattila is also excited that the Soloturk F-16 demo team will perform in Finland for the first time.
– The show is really great and memorable. Everyone should take advantage of this opportunity and come to see the fast maneuvers and agility of the fighter and hear the roar of the afterburner, says Mattila.