Etelä-Pohjanmaan Opisto (South Ostrobothnia Folk High School) is an international adult education centre in Ilmajoki. Folk high schools are educational institutions that offer liberal adult education in both general education and vocational education and training. Our school offers both long term study programmes and short courses. Every year over 300 students attend our different study programmes. International students bring the richness of different cultures to college life. At its best, more than ten different nationalities and all continents have been represented. 

The drone pilot study line offers students comprehensive training in flying a drone, up to the supervised A2 theory test. During the academic year, you will get to know aviation starting from the basics, as each student first completes the drone pilot’s open category qualification. The studies delve deeper than the surface into the basic knowledge of aviation and put a diverse focus on the special skills needed to fly a drone, both in theory and in practice. You will get the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude towards aviation, without forgetting your physical condition!
